Wow what a day! First day at our friends lodge here in South Africa today and let’s say it’s been an amazing start and can’t believe everything we’ve done and seen today!
We arrived late last night after a 4 hour long drive from Johannesburg. They got hit with very heavy rain 2 days ago which destroyed one of the bridges to the lodge so the road to get there was longer than normal as we had to go around the whole farm. This place is over 15.000 hectares big and they have 5 different lodges spread out around the farm and everything is just so beautiful!

We started our day with a helicopter tour over the farm and it really got me an amazing overview over the place. A lot more mountains than I thought and a lot bigger than I thought! During the helicopter tour we saw so many animals and what surprised me most was how many rhinos we got to see! I’ve only seen a rhino once before and from very far but now this was amazing!

Back home again they had called in a woman to do nails so I got my nails done (haha what kind of luxury is that in a safari lodge? I’m getting spoiled!! ) we enjoyed an amazing lunch and then we took off for a tour with the quads and damn, this was FUN!!! I think we were gone for 2,5 - 3 hours and it’s hard to describe the feeling of driving around and never knowing if a big animal will show up or not, and what do we do if it does?
Around 30 min in we spotted 2 rhinos (again) and they were on our road so we slowly moved forward knowing they would probably move and luckily they did but we were driving behind them for a bit and it was such an amazing experience to see them that close!
Later on it started raining, and i’m not meaning dripping, we got SOAKED so we drove to hide under some bushes and then our friend tells us that he lost the track a bit, haha I couldn’t stop laughing! A bit lost, hiding under a bush surrounded by wild animals in rain - I love it!
Rain didn’t last long thankfully and before we know it Jurgen found the correct road to drive at! Wow, just wow! Such a fun afternoon and I can’t believe we have already seen this much!!

Now its time to get ready for dinner, I’ve just got a massage and Shane is getting one now and then we will all meet for dinner and tomorrow it’s new years and I can’t wait to celebrate it here with these amazing people.