Let me be your coach
Individual meal & workout plans Your mindset Tracking your progress Live chat with me
Let me guide and help you to healthier, happier and more balanced lifestyle.
BALANCE is a word I use a lot and live by. I believe that everything comes down to that, and I mean everything in life. Work, nutrition, workouts and everything else and I'm here to help you find that balance in your life so you can have a lifestyle that makes you feel good and that will get you to a healthier, happier and better version of yourself, inside out and outside in.
All of my meal & workout plans and coaching can be made in Swedish or English and regularly updated with new exercises and recipes .
I will be your support, your guidance and with our app you can always have me in your pocket, so you can now always carry me with you!
Let's reach your goals together!
"Amanda is a real rock when it comes to personal training and finding your own motivation. She is amazingly positive and supportive no matter what the situation are and she pushes you to find your "why" and reach your goals. If you ever have a bad day, she will support you to be in the moment and still come out from that training session more positive to what life has to offer. So many times that I've thought of giving up but having Amandas help makes it really hard to give up. She is amazing at what she does!"
"I had Amanda as my coach during a PT-camp bootcamp. She is really good at coaching and she taught me a lot about training and I thought the whole plan she made was amazing! Amanda is a fantastic coach and was incredible at pushing and encourage me and she is always happy and energetic. Training with her has made me feel I now know a lot more about training and health."
"Having Amanda as your coach will definitely make you do the work. She is amazing and makes you want to do better and become better. She is facing life with a posivite attitude that are very contagious and she really help you reach your goals. After having her as a coach I have now found a good balance in my life with what I eat and my relationship to food has changed a lot and I'm living a much more healthier lifestyle.
Amanda is one of a kind so don't miss out on the chance of getting her as your coach"
Why have me as an online coach?
With over 8 years in the fitness industry, coaching both companies and private people, running gyms and my own business in both Sweden and Australia, I've collected a lot of experience and this is a never ending learning journey when it comes to health and our body, and that interests me a lot. Every person is unique, has different lifestyles and goals and I love to help and guide the way and to bring out the best version of people.
I went from being very sick to a healthy & balanced life...
My passion for heath and nutrition started when I was very young and very sick. I missed over 40% of my time in school between the age of 15-18. No doctors could tell me what was wrong and I got use to being sick almost 2 weeks in high fever, EVERY MONTH! Until I had enough…
I started reading about the body, about nutrition, took help for people I knew had knowledge about this in the gym and was an open ear for most of the things I could try. Slowly but steady I built myself up with the right nutrition (main focus) and the right form of training that I needed. My passion for health & fitness and becoming a stronger and healthier me grew every day and a few years later I wanted to help people to a healthier lifestyle.
From having eating disorder, being very sick as a teenager and then to build myself up slowly again, win over myself and the fever and to start training for strength competitions was a BIG WIN for me.
I signed up for several educations to become a personal trainer, nutritional advisor and later on I’ve also added certificates within massage, the power of our feet, trigger points and a lot more that is about our body and mind.
I've been running 3 gyms in Stockholm, helped hundreds of clients throughout the years, had my own business in Australia as a PT and now I’m travelling around the world but ready to help and coach more people around the world through the power of online communication.
I know a lot of people want to change their life, their body, their health or whatever it is, and several coaches can give you a workout and food schedule, and I will too.. BUT… I will also work with you on a more mental plan, why are you where you are today? Why is your relationship to life, food, training, health, work and so on the way it is. I will help you to go deeper and make a lifetime change for you and not just a short fix. I'm here to help you and to guide you so you can find the balance you are looking for in your life.
All my plans are built after you, your goals and your situation today. No matter if you have a gym or working out at home, if you want to workout 2 or 6 days a week, if you have allergies or something else. I will make it individual for you with exercises and recepies. The plan will also be updated with new recipes and excercies all the time to give you new inspiration.
Fill in the form below of what you would like help with and in what language and I will get back to you within 3 business days. We will talk more to see the best plan for you and your first consultation with me is for free.
What I offer:
Nutrition Plan
Workout Plan
Nutrition & Workout plan
Nutrition & Workout plan + 2h coaching session via FaceTime every month.
(This could be one longer session or 4 x 30 min, depends on what we feel we need & extra coaching sessions can of course be added if needed)
from 1295 kr / 129€
Life is fun and you deserve to live life in full energy and power. Being tired, having pain and so on is not normal, with the right food, exercises and mindset you can change almost anything.